It’s the most common question we get asked so I thought I’d take a moment to expand on this. Hopefully, this short article will give you an idea of the quantity of Element Glo concrete aggregates you should order for your project.

Measure Your Area
The first thing you should do is measure the area you would like to enhance with your Element Glo aggregates. The most common coverage with efficient aggregate glow is one pound of concrete aggregates per forty square feet of surface. This ratio will give you an amazing effect, which is very pleasing to the eye in a casual sense; a great ratio for a subtly lighted walkway or effects in a pool. Take a look at the image to the right and you can see a 12” concrete square sample of what 1:50, 1:40, 1:30, and 1:20 look like. You can see that 1:20 has pretty much a “blow you away” effect and may be a little overkill depending on your project. It’s totally up to you, though. We say the more glow in the dark rocks, the merrier.

What Colors?
The next thing you need to determine is the color. Our most common colors are Aqua Blue and Glacier Blue. Both emit a very bright glow that lasts throughout the night. Sapphire is an excellent accent color you can custom order to give your effect some dimension but will not show up as bright as Glacier Blue, FireFly or Aqua due to the darker blue color they transmit. We recommend mixing Sapphire with the other two colors for a spectacular starry sky effect. If you are just looking to light up a walkway then maybe you just go with one color.

What Size?
The last thing you need to decide on is the size of the glow aggregate crystals. We have a variety of sizes that range from 1/32″ to a little under 1″. For 99% of pool applications, we recommend choosing our “Medium” aggregates, which are just the right size for most pool surface applications. Medium aggregates range in size from 1/8″ to 1/4″ and will provide enough variation in size to give some dimension in the overall glow of your pool. For concrete projects, the sky is the limit on the sizes of aggregates you prefer. Your choice of size completely depends what you feel will be best for your concrete project.

We hope this helps you on deciding what to order for your pool, walkway, or project. When all else fails, give us a call to describe your project to us and we’ll be happy to recommend the best solutions for your project.
The Element Glo staff is well-versed in various applications and design concepts using our glow products. We can work directly with your designers and contractors to optimize the effect of your aggregates.